Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Despite Astronomical Odds New Blog Started

Despite her attempts Jennie Holladay has did not win Tuesday's $150 million Mega Millions jackpot. Regardless, Holladay is still optimistic in good fortune she decided to start a new blog that has about the same odds of success. This teacher/blogger decided to start her online audition as a writer for The Onion.

"I love teaching, but I have this journalism degree that is just kind of sitting there, I love the Onion and crazier things have happened, so I thought, why not," said Holladay.

Holladay has always been optimistic since childhood despite always being picked last for dodge ball and sitting out most of her tee-ball career. Her husband, a bit more realistic, however thinks the idea may not lead to the fame and success she is hoping for.

"Well if she wants to do it go ahead, but I told her not to wait by the phone for a call," said Bruce Holladay.

Jennie Holladay couldn't be reached for further comment because she had to go to the store to pick up more Mega Millions tickets for Friday's lottery drawing.

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